Provisions under the Copyright (Amendment) Ordinance 2007 Commencement Date Commencement Notice Press release by IPD

Maintaining the scope of the business end-user criminal liability to possession of infringing copies of four categories of works, namely, computer programs, movies, TV dramas and musical recordings

Improving the copyright exemption regime for the education sector (including the introduction of a fair dealing provision for instructional purposes)

Introducing new permitted acts (including an exception for producing specially adapted copies of copyright works for persons with a print disability, and a fair dealing provision for efficient transaction of public business in urgent circumstances)

Relaxing the restrictions on the use of parallel imported copies of copyright works by business end-users and shortening the period during which dealing in parallel imported copies would attract criminal liability

Introducing measures to strengthen and to facilitate enforcement against copyright offences

6 July, 2007 (Commenced upon enactment)

Introducing a new criminal liability against persons engaging in commercial dealing of circumvention tools or providing circumvention services on a commercial basis for the circumvention of technological measures

Extended civil liability against persons who deal in circumvention tools or provide circumvention services

Introducing new rental rights for films and underlying works in sound recordings

Introducing new moral and rental rights for performers

Introducing a new right for copyright owners and their exclusive licensees to seek civil remedies against persons who tamper with rights management information attached to copyright works

25 April, 2008 L.N.47 of 2008 and
L.N.48 of 2008
Press release

Introducing a new criminal liability on directors and partners whose organizations have done acts attracting business end-user liability relating to possession of infringing copies of computer programs, movies, television dramas or musical (sound or visual) recordings for use in business

Introducing a new civil liability against persons who circumvent a technological measure used for copyright protection

11 July, 2008 L.N.141 of 2008 and
L.N.142 of 2008
Press release
Provisions under the Copyright (Amendment) Ordinances 2007 & 2009 Commencement Date Commencement Notice Press release by IPD

Introducing a new business end-user criminal offence against the regular or frequent acts of making with a view to distributing or distributing infringing copies of newspapers, magazines, periodicals and books in a printed form, and refining the scope of this criminal liability

16 July, 2010 L.N.68 of 2010 Press release