In a situation where the Registry’s operations are interrupted and notified to be so by way of a Notice of Interruption in the Operations of the Patents Registry, Designs Registry and Trade Marks Registry (“Notice of Interruption”) as published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal, the deadline to remedy deficiencies originally set out in a Registrar’s deficiency notice issued under rule 11 of the Rules will be extended to a date specified in the Notice of Interruption, which will be the Registry’s first business day next following the day which interruption ends. To view a list of Notices of Interruption that the Registry has issued, please visit Pursuant to the Notice of Interruption issued in 2020 recently on 28 January, 1 February and 8 February respectively (“said Notices of Interruption”), if the deadline falls on any day between 29 and 31 January, 3 and 7 February, or 10 and 14 February 2020, it will be extended to 17 February 2020 (“New Deadline”).
Please note that the statutory time period to respond to the Registrar’s deficiency notice is non-extendible. Given the said Notices of Interruption, if the deficiencies are not remedied by the New Deadline, the part of your application in respect of the deficiencies shall be treated as abandoned. It is therefore very important for you to plan well ahead as to when you should take action in remedying the relevant deficiencies in your application, bearing in mind that time is also required for the Registry to properly consider your proposal to remedy.