Full text of the Copyright (Amendment) Ordinance 2020
Legislative Council Brief of Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2019
Press release
Checklists for use of exceptions relating to persons with a print disability
Frequently Asked Questions
Enhancing the copyright exceptions in the Copyright Ordinance (Cap. 528) relating to persons with a print disability
What is the purpose of enacting the Copyright (Amendment) Ordinance 2020?
Who is a person with a print disability under the Amendment Ordinance?
What does an "accessible copy" of a copyright work refer to under the Amendment Ordinance?
Under the Amendment Ordinance, what are the "specified bodies" which can use the copyright exceptions? Is it necessary to apply to become a "specified body"?
Can a social enterprise use the copyright exceptions relating to persons with a print disability?
What are the acts which could be done by persons with a print disability in relation to copyright works under the Amendment Ordinance without infringing copyright in the works?
What are the acts which could be done by specified bodies in relation to copyright works under the Amendment Ordinance without infringing copyright in the works?
What acts does "supply" refer to in relation to accessible copies under the Amendment Ordinance?
The Copyright Ordinance permits the making and supplying of accessible copies for the personal use by persons with a print disability. What does "personal use" mean?
What do "making reasonable enquiries" and "a reasonable commercial price" mean in the provisions concerning the copyright exceptions relating to persons with a print disability under the Copyright Ordinance?
Can an accessible copy made pursuant to the Copyright Ordinance be sold?
New permitted acts concerning cross-border exchange of accessible copies
What are the new permitted acts under the Amendment Ordinance?
What are the "authorized entities" in other jurisdictions outside Hong Kong under the new permitted acts?
Under the newly added copyright exceptions, how can a specified body export or supply an accessible copy to an authorized entity without infringing copyright?
Under the newly added copyright exceptions, how can a specified body import or obtain an accessible copy from an authorized entity without infringing copyright in a work?
Can an accessible copy imported, obtained, made or supplied pursuant to the new exceptions be sold?
Copyright (Amendment) Ordinance 2020