The Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal is the official journal specified under section 73 of the Trade Marks Ordinance, section 150A of the Patents Ordinance and section 84A of the Registered Designs Ordinance.
The Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal is normally published on Friday (including Friday on which a black rainstorm warning or a gale warning is hoisted, or extreme conditions exist). In the event that Friday is a public holiday, the official journal will be published on the preceding working day.
Notices published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal
Official journals published on :
Regarding materials contained in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal that are provided by third parties (which may include but not limited to drawings, maps, photographs, signs and texts), they do not represent the viewpoint or the position of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The Intellectual Property Department is not responsible for, and does not give any representation or warranty whatsoever with respect to the contents or any other aspect of such materials.