Firstly, once you have submitted your form, you cannot make any significant changes to it. Only minor clerical errors will be accepted. Furthermore, please note that any application fees paid for Form T2 are generally not refundable even if the application cannot proceed to registration. There are only very limited circumstances under which refund may be made. Therefore, please read the information in “Apply for a trade mark” carefully.
Secondly, have you read the “Before you apply” section? Have you conducted a trade mark search to see if someone else has already registered or applied to register your trade mark?
Thirdly, whilst we have tried to put all the necessary information in “Apply for a trade mark”, you may still have some questions regarding your trade mark application. If so please visit our web site at or email to
Please read "Explanatory Notes on Trade Mark Form T2" and “Form T2 sample” before you fill in the form.
Please also refer to How to classify my goods and services?, Commonly used descriptions of goods and services and their class numbers and Common deficiencies and irregularities of trade mark applications.
HK$2,000 to apply to register a trade mark in one class of goods or services; and
HK$1,000 for each additional class of goods or services.
Payment can be made by Octopus card, cash or cheque payable to "The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region". Payment by credit card is only available for applications submitted through IPD e-filing system. For details, please visit
Please submit your application with fees to "Trade Marks Registry, Intellectual Property Department, 24/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong" by post or in person.
Opening hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:45 p.m. (Monday to Friday)
You may also submit your application electronically through IPD e-filing system. For details, please visit
Important Reminder: Applicants and their employees or agents must not offer an advantage as defined in the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201) to any government officer in connection with their applications or while having dealings of any kind with government departments.