Special work arrangements
Notices issued by the Intellectual Property Department about the limited public services provided under the special work arrangements
Following the announcement of the Government on 25 March 2022 on gradual resumption of public services from 1 April with a view to largely resuming normal public services from 21 April, the Department will scale up its public services for implementation from 1 April 2022 onwards as follows:
Registries' Services
Services as adjusted | Available days and hours |
(a) Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House | 0900 – 1745 hours (i) 4, 7, 11, 13 and 19 April (ii) 21 April onwards, Mon to Fri ~ |
(b) Drop-box service ^@ | 0900 – 1745 hours 1, 6, 8, 12, 14 and 20 April |
2. Other public services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries will be provided as usual:
Services as usual | Available days and hours |
(a) Online search | 24 hours/day |
(b) E-filing* | 24 hours/day |
(c) Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | Every Fri~ |
(d) Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours (Mon to Fri)~ |
3. The Department encourages members of the public to access the services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries through our E-filing System.* While documents can also be sent to the Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post, members of the public should take note of the local mail delivery service being affected, and consider using our Public Service Counter or drop-box service as necessary and appropriate.
4. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registries of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks (“filing deadlines”), all filing deadlines falling on any date from 4 April 2022 onwards should be observed by reference to paragraphs 4 and 6 of the last notice of the Department dated 17 March 2022.
5. Parties to the proceedings before the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks are strongly encouraged to resolve their disputes by alternative modes including disposal on paper or remote hearings.
Further update
6. The Department will keep the situation under close review and post any updated information on this website in due course.
31 March 2022
^ (1) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building. Except for exempted persons, all persons are required to use the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile application before entering the area where the drop-box is placed (outside the Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House).
(2) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-filing System instead.
@ Payment of fee bearing forms should only be made by cheque or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted.
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System at https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
~ except non-business day
In view of the severity of the local epidemic situation, and to reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department will extend its special work arrangement for implementation from 19 March to 1 April 2022 (Sat – Fri), as follows:
Registries' Services
Services as adjusted | Available days and hours |
(a) Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House | Closed |
(b) Drop-box service ^@ | 0900 – 1745 hours Every Mon, Wed & Fri (21, 23, 25, 28, 30 March & 1 April)~ |
2. Subject to the aforesaid, other public services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries will be provided as usual:
Services as usual | Available days and hours |
(a) Online search | 24 hours/day |
(b) E-filing* | 24 hours/day |
(c) Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | Every Fri~ |
(d) Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours (Mon to Fri)~ |
3. The Department encourages members of the public to access the services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries through our E-filing System.* While documents can still be sent to the Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post, members of the public should take note of the local mail delivery service being affected, and consider using our drop-box service as necessary and appropriate.
4. Referring to point 5 of the last notice of the Department dated 10 March 2022, the Department, having reviewed the latest circumstances and relevant considerations, has published a Notice of Interruption in the Operations of the Patents Registry, Designs Registry and Trade Marks Registry dated 17 March 2022 in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal. This notice has the effect of deferring the deadlines falling on any date from 21 March to 1 April 2022 for filing any document with the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks to 4 April 2022 (Mon).
5. Parties to the proceedings before the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks are strongly encouraged to resolve their disputes by alternative modes including disposal on paper or remote hearings so as to avoid the risk of adjournment of the hearings.
Further update
6. The Department will keep the situation under close review and consider appropriate adjustment to the special work arrangement, including lifting the interruption in the operations of the Registries as soon as circumstances permit. Updated information will be posted on this website in due course.
17 March 2022
^ (1) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building. Except for exempted persons, all persons are required to use the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile application before entering the area where the drop-box is placed (outside the Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House).
(2) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-filing System instead.
@ Payment of fee bearing forms should only be made by cheque or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted.
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System at https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
~ except non-business day
In view of the severity of the local epidemic situation, and to reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department will extend its special work arrangement for implementation from 12 to 18 March 2022 (Sat – Fri), as follows:
Registries' Services
Services as adjusted | Available days and hours |
(a) Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House | Closed |
(b) Drop-box service ^@ | 0900 – 1745 hours 14 to 18 March (Mon to Fri) |
2. Subject to the aforesaid, other public services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries will be provided as usual:
Services as usual | Available days and hours |
(a) Online search | 24 hours/day |
(b) E-filing* | 24 hours/day |
(c) Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | Every Fri~ |
(d) Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours (Mon to Fri)~ |
3. The Department encourages members of the public to access the services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries through our E-filing System.* While documents can still be sent to the Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post, members of the public should take note of the local mail delivery service being affected, and consider using our drop-box service from 14 to 18 March 2022 as necessary and appropriate. This will tie in with the expiry of the current Notice of Interruption in the Operations of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries dated 4 March 2022. All statutory time limits for filing any document with the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks should be observed from 14 March 2022 onwards.
4. Parties to the proceedings before the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks are strongly encouraged to resolve their disputes by alternative modes including disposal on paper or remote hearings so as to avoid the risk of adjournment of the hearings.
Further update
5. The above arrangements for provision of a full-week drop-box service and lifting of the interruption of operations are meant to be a short-term relief. On current projection, there may possibly be a scaling down of the drop-box service after 18 March 2022 as well as publication of new Notice(s) of Interruption in the Operations of the Patents Registry, Designs Registry and Trade Marks Registry in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal as appropriate. The Department will keep the situation under close review and post any updated information on the website.
10 March 2022
^ (1) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building. Except for exempted persons, all persons are required to use the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile application before entering the area where the drop-box is placed (outside the Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House).
(2) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-filing System instead.
@ Payment of fee bearing forms should only be made by cheque or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted.
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System at https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
~ except non-business day
In view of the severity of the local epidemic situation, and to reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department will extend its special work arrangement for implementation from 5 to 11 March 2022 (Sat – Fri) as follows:
Registries' Services
Services | Available days and hours |
(a) Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House | Closed |
(b) Drop-box service ^@ | 0900 – 1745 hours 8 & 10 March (Tue & Thu) |
2. Subject to the aforesaid, other public services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries will be provided as usual:
Registries' Services | Available days and hours |
(a) Online search | 24 hours/day |
(b) E-filing* | 24 hours/day |
(c) Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | Every Fri~ |
(d) Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours (Mon to Fri)~ |
3. The Department encourages members of the public to access the services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries through our E-filing System.* While documents can still be sent to the Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post, members of the public should take note of the local mail delivery service being affected, and consider using our drop-box services as necessary and appropriate.
4. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks (“filing deadlines”), the Department has published a Notice of Interruption in the Operations of the Patents Registry, Designs Registry and Trade Marks Registry dated 4 March 2022 in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal. This notice, when being read together with similar ones published earlier,# has the effect of deferring the filing deadlines falling on any date from 16 February to 11 March 2022 to 14 March 2022 (Mon) .
5. Parties to the proceedings before the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks are strongly encouraged to resolve their disputes by alternative modes including disposal on paper or remote hearings so as to avoid the risk of adjournment of the hearings.
Further update
6. The Department is minded to lift the interruption of operations arrangements as soon as circumstances permit. We shall keep the situation under close review and post any updated information on this website.
4 March 2022
^ (1) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building. Except for exempted persons, all persons are required to use the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile application before entering the area where the Drop-box is placed (outside the Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House).
(2) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
@ Payment of fee bearing forms should only be made by cheque or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted.
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System at https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
~ except non-business day
# Published on 16, 20, 22 and 28 February 2022
Effective from 1200 to 1745 hours today, the drop-box service outside the Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House is re-located on 25/F Wu Chung House.
1 March 2022
On 18 February 2022, the Department issued a notice about its special work arrangement for implementation from 19 February (Sat) to 4 March 2022 (Fri) which has been adjusted by three subsequent notices of the Department.* In view of the latest local epidemic situation, further adjustment is now made for the period from 28 February to 4 March 2022 (Mon – Fri).
2. The drop-box service outside the Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House is provided on 28 February (Mon), 1 and 3 March 2022 (Tue & Thu) only.
3. Due to the mail delivery service being affected, the Department has published a NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY dated 28 February 2022 in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal. This notice, when being read together with similar ones published earlier,# has the effect of deferring the deadlines falling on any date from 16 February to 4 March 2022 for filing any document with the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks to 7 March 2022 (Mon).
4. Subject to the aforesaid, the special work arrangement for the period from 28 February to 4 March 2022 (Mon – Fri) can be found in the Department’s notice published on 18 February 2022.
5. The Department will keep the situation under close review and post any updated information on this website in due course.
28 February 2022
* Published on 20, 22 and 24 February 2022 for periods before 28 February 2022.
# On 16, 20 and 22 February 2022.
On 18 February 2022, the Department issued a notice about its special work arrangement for implementation from 19 February (Sat) to 4 March 2022 (Fri), subject to certain adjustments from 21 to 23 February 2022 (Mon to Wed) (vide another notice dated 20 February 2022) and from 24 to 25 February 2022 (Thu to Fri) (vide another notice dated 22 February 2022). Further adjustment is now made today.
2. The drop-box service outside the Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House will be suspended in the afternoon today (February 24) from 1400 to 1745 hours, and will resume tomorrow (February 25) at 0900 hours.
3. Subject to the aforesaid, the notices of the Department dated 18, 20 and 22 February 2022 are still valid.
4. The Department will keep the situation under close review and post any updated information on this website in due course.
24 February 2022
On 18 February 2022, the Department issued a notice about its special work arrangement for implementation from 19 February (Sat) to 4 March 2022 (Fri), subject to certain adjustment from 21 to 23 February 2022 (Mon to Wed) (vide another notice dated 20 February 2022).
2. In view of the mail delivery service being affected, the Department will further adjust its special work arrangement for the period from 24 to 25 February 2022 (Thu to Fri). For the deadlines falling on these two days for filing any document with the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, the Department has published a NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY dated 22 February 2022 in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal. This notice, when being read together with similar ones published on 16 and 20 February 2022, has the effect of deferring the filing deadlines falling on any date from 16 to 25 February 2022 to 28 February 2022 (Mon).
3. Subject to the aforesaid, the notices of the Department dated 18 and 20 February 2022 are still valid.
4. The Department will keep the situation under close review and post any updated information on this website in due course.
22 February 2022
On 18 February 2022, the Department issued a notice about its special work arrangement for implementation from 19 February (Sat) to 4 March 2022 (Fri) (“the previous notice”). Following a latest confirmed case of COVID-19 involving a staff member, the Department will make adjustments to the arrangement as follows.
2. From 21 to 23 February 2022, there will be no drop-box service outside the Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House. Accordingly, the Department has published a NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY dated 20 February 2022 in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal. This notice, when being read together with the previous NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY dated 16 February 2022, has the effect of deferring deadlines falling on any date from 16 to 23 February 2022 for filing any document with the Registrar of Trade Marks, Patents and Designs to 24 February 2022 (Thu).
3. In respect of hearings before the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, parties to proceedings are strongly encouraged to resolve their disputes by alternative modes including disposal on paper or remote hearings so as to avoid the risk of adjournment of the hearings.
4. Other than the aforesaid, the previous notice is still valid. The Department will keep the situation under close review and post any updated information on this website in due course.
20 February 2022
In view of the severity of the local epidemic situation, and to reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department will extend the following special work arrangement for implementation from 19 February 2022 (Sat) to 4 March 2022 (Fri):
Special work arrangement
Services | Available days and hours |
Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House | Closed |
Drop-box service ^# | 0900 – 1745 hours (Mon to Fri)~ |
2. Except the Public Service Counter, other public services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries will be provided as usual:
Registries' Services | Available days and hours |
Online search | 24 hours/day |
E-filing* | 24 hours/day |
Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | Every Fri~ |
Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours (Mon to Fri)~ |
3. The Department encourages members of the public to access the services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries through our E-filing System.* Documents can also be sent to the Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
4. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks (“filing deadlines”), please refer to NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 16 February 2022. This notice has the effect of deferring those filing deadlines falling on any date from 16 to 18 February 2022 to 21 February 2022. Please note that the above arrangement will not be extended.
5. Parties to the proceedings before the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks are encouraged to resolve their disputes by alternative modes including disposal on paper or remote hearings.
Further update
6. The Department will keep the situation under close review and post any updated information on this website in due course.
18 February 2022
^ (1) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building. Except for exempted persons, all persons are required to use the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile application before entering the area where the Drop-box is placed (outside the Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House).
(2) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
# Payment of fee bearing forms should only be made by cheque or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted.
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System at https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
~ except non-business day
In view of the delay of mail delivery service under the local epidemic situation, the Department has published a Notice of Interruption in the Operations of the Patents Registry, Designs Registry and Trade Marks Registry dated 16 February 2022 in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal (https://www.ipd.gov.hk/en/hk-ip-journal-notices/index.html). Such notice has the effect of deferring deadlines falling on any date from 16 to 18 February 2022 for filing any document with the Registrar of Trade Marks, Patents and Designs to 21 February 2022.
2. The Department will keep the situation under close review and post any updated information on this website in due course.
16 February 2022
In view of the severity of the local epidemic situation, and to reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department will extend the following special work arrangement for implementation from 12 to 18 February 2022 (Fri):
Special work arrangement
Services | Available days and hours |
Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House | Closed |
Drop-box service ^# | 0900 – 1745 hours (Mon to Fri)~ |
2. Except the Public Service Counter, other public services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries will be provided as usual:
Registries' Services | Available days and hours |
Online search | 24 hours/day |
E-filing* | 24 hours/day |
Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | Every Fri~ |
Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours (Mon to Fri)~ |
3. The Department encourages members of the public to access the services of the Registries through our E-filing System.* Documents can also be sent to the Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
4. For the avoidance of doubt, no Notice of Interruption in the Operations of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries will be published for the above period. All statutory time limits for filing any document with the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks should be observed.
5. Parties to the proceedings before the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks are encouraged to resolve their disputes by alternative modes including disposal on paper or remote hearings.
Further update
6. The Department will keep the situation under close review and post any updated information on this website in due course.
10 February 2022
^ (1) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building. Except for exempted persons, all persons are required to use the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile application before entering the area where the Drop-box is placed (outside the Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House).
(2) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
# Payment of fee bearing forms should only be made by cheque or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted.
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System at https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
~ except non-business day
In view of the severity of the local epidemic situation, and to reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department will implement the following special work arrangement with effect from 7 February 2022 (Mon) to 11 February 2022 (Fri):
Services | Available days and hours |
Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House | Closed |
Drop-box service ^# | 0900 – 1745 hours (Mon to Fri)~ |
2. Except the Public Service Counter, other public services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries will be provided as usual:
Registries' Services | Available days and hours |
Online search | 24 hours/day |
E-filing* | 24 hours/day |
Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | Every Fri~ |
Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours (Mon to Fri)~ |
3. The Department encourages members of the public to access the services of the Registries through our E-filing System. Documents can also be sent to the Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
4. For the avoidance of doubt, no Notice of Interruption in the Operations of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries will be published for the above period. All statutory time limits for filing any document with the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks should be observed.
5. Parties to the proceedings before the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks are encouraged to resolve their disputes by alternative modes including disposal on paper or remote hearings.
Further update
6. The Department will keep the situation under close review and post any updated information on this website in due course.
4 February 2022
^ (1) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building. Except for exempted persons, all persons are required to use the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile application before entering the area where the Drop-box is placed (outside the Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House).
(2) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
# Payment of fee bearing forms should only be made by cheque or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted.
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System at https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
~ except non-business day
In view of the severity of the local epidemic situation, and to reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department will implement the following special work arrangement with effect from 25 Jan 2022 (Tues) onwards until further notice:
Special work arrangement
Services | Available days and hours |
Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House ^ @ | 0900 – 1745 hours (i) 25 & 27 Jan (Tues & Thurs); (ii) 31 Jan & 4 Feb (Mon & Fri); and (iii) From 7 Feb onwards: Every Mon, Wed & Fri~ |
Drop-box service ^# | 0900 – 1745 hours (i) 26 & 28 Jan (Wed & Fri) (ii) From 8 Feb onwards: Every Tues & Thurs~ |
2. Except the Public Service Counter, other public services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries will be provided as usual:
Registries' Services | Available days and hours |
Online search | 24 hours/day |
E-filing* | 24 hours/day |
Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | Every Fri~ |
Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours (Mon to Fri)~ |
3. The Department encourages members of the public to access the services of the Registries through our E-filing System. Documents can also be sent to the Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
4. Parties to the proceedings before the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks are encouraged to resolve their disputes by alternative modes including disposal on paper or remote hearings.
Further update
5. The Department will keep the situation under close review and post any updated information on this website in due course.
24 January 2022
^ (1) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building. Except for exempted persons, all persons are required to use the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile application before entering the Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House.
(2) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
@ (1) The Department will put in place special measures to facilitate members of the public in using our Public Service Counter in a safe and efficient manner.
(2) Members of the public requiring counter services are encouraged to do so during non-peak hours usually in the morning.
# Payment of fee bearing forms should only be made by cheque or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted.
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System at https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
~ except non-business day
To reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department encourages members of the public to access the services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries (Registries) through our E-filing System.* Documents can also be sent to the Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
2. Parties to the proceedings before the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks are encouraged to resolve their disputes by alternative modes including disposal on paper or remote hearings.
3. We will keep the situation under close review and post any updated information on this website if necessary. Meanwhile, the services of the Registries are maintained as usual. The details are set out below:
Registries' Services | Available days and hours |
Online search | 24 hours/day |
E-filing* | 24 hours/day |
Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | Every Fri (excluding non-business day) |
Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House ^ @ | 0900 – 1745 hours Mon to Fri |
Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours Mon to Fri |
7 January 2022
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System at https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
^ (1) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building. Except for exempted persons, all persons are required to use the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile application before entering the Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House.
(2) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
@ (1) The Department will put in place special measures to facilitate members of the public in using our Public Service Counter in a safe and efficient manner.
(2) Members of the public requiring counter services are encouraged to do so during non-peak hours usually in the morning.
With effect from 18 February (Thurs), the services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries (Registries) will resume as normal. The details are set out below:
Registries' Services | Available days and hours |
Online search | 24 hours/day |
E-filing* | 24 hours/day |
Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | Every Fri (excluding non-business day) |
Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House ^ @ | 0900 – 1745 hours Mon to Fri |
Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours Mon to Fri |
2. The Department encourages members of the public to access the services of the Registries through our E-filing System.* Documents can also be sent to the Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
3. Parties to the proceedings before the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks are encouraged to resolve their disputes by alternative modes including disposal on paper or remote hearings as far as possible.
11 February 2021
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System at https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
^ (1) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building.
(2) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
@ (1) The Department will put in place special measures to facilitate members of the public in using our Public Service Counter in a safe and efficient manner.
(2) Members of the public requiring counter services are encouraged to do so during non-peak hours usually in the morning.
To reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department has been implementing special work arrangements from 2 December 2020 to 27 January 2021 (see our notices of 1, 12 and 21 December 2020 and 5 and 19 January 2021). Starting from 28 January 2021 and until further notice, the Department will resume limited services at the Public Service Counter as follows–
Registries' services
2. The Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House will open on:
(a) 28 January 2021 (Thursday), and
(b) from 1 February 2021 onwards, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (except public holidays) until further notice.
Drop-box service will be available outside the Public Service Counter for the filing of physical documents when the Public Service Counter is closed.
Detailed arrangements are as follows:
Services | Available days and hours |
Public Service Counter on 24/F, Wu Chung House ^@ | 0900 – 1745 hours (a) 28 Jan (Thurs) (b) From 1 Feb onwards, every Mon, Wed & Fri (except public holidays) |
Drop-box service #^ | 0900 – 1745 hours (a) 29 Jan (Fri) (b) From 1 Feb onwards, every Tue and Thurs (except public holidays) |
3. Except the Public Service Counter, other public services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries will be provided as usual:
Services | Available days and hours |
Online search | 24 hours/day |
E-filing* | 24 hours/day |
Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | Every Friday (except public holidays) |
Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours (Mon – Fri) (except public holidays) |
4. The Department encourages members of the public to access the services of the Registries through our E-filing System. Documents can also be sent to the Registries by post.
5. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Trade Marks, Patents and Designs, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 26 January 2021. The above notice together with similar ones published on 1, 12 and 21 December 2020 and 5 and 19 January 2021 respectively have the effect of deferring deadlines falling on any date from 2 December 2020 to 29 January 2021 for filing any document with the Registrars to 1 February 2021. Please note that the above arrangement will not be further extended.
6. Parties to the proceedings before the Registrars are encouraged to resolve their disputes by alternative modes including disposal on paper or remote hearings. Our staff will contact the relevant parties to make appropriate arrangements.
Further update
7. The Department will keep the situation under close review and post any updated information on this website in due course.
26 January 2021
^ (1) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building.
(2) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
@ Due to the limited service provided at the Public Service Counter, members of the public using our counter service may expect longer waiting time. They may consider using our Public Service Counter during non-peak hours usually in the morning.
# Payment of fee bearing forms should only be made by cheque or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted.
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
To reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department has been implementing special work arrangements from 2 December 2020 to 20 January 2021 (see our notices of 1, 12 and 21 December 2020 and 5 January 2021). These arrangements will be extended for implementation from 21 to 27 January 2021 as follows–
Registries’ services
2. The Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House will be closed. Drop-box service will be available outside the Public Service Counter for the filing of physical documents as follows:
Services | Available days and hours |
Drop-box service #^ | 0900 – 1745 hours (21 & 22 January, Thurs & Fri; and 25 – 27 January, Mon – Wed) |
3. Except the Public Service Counter, other public services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries will be provided as usual:
Services | Available days and hours |
Online search | 24 hours/day |
E-filing* | 24 hours/day |
Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | 22 January (Fri) |
Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours (21 & 22 January, Thurs & Fri; and 25 – 27 January, Mon – Wed) |
4. The Department encourages members of the public to access the services of the Registries through our E-filing System. Documents can also be sent to the Registries by post.
5. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Trade Marks, Patents and Designs, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 19 January 2021.
6. Parties to the proceedings before the Registrars are encouraged to resolve their disputes by alternative modes including disposal on paper or remote hearings. Our staff will contact the relevant parties to make appropriate arrangements.
Further update
7. The Department is minded to re-open the Public Service Counter and lift the interruption of operations arrangements as soon as circumstances permit. We will keep the situation under close review and post any updated information on this website in due course.
19 January 2021
# Payment of fee bearing forms should only be made by cheque or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted.
^ (1) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building.
(2) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
To reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department has been implementing special work arrangements from 2 December 2020 to 6 January 2021 (see our notices of 1, 12 and 21 December 2020). These arrangements will be extended for implementation from 7 to 20 January 2021 as follows–
Registries’ services
2. The Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House will be closed. Drop-box service will be available outside the Public Service Counter for the filing of physical documents as follows:
Services | Available days and hours |
Drop-box service #^ | 0900 – 1745 hours (7 & 8 January, Thurs & Fri; 11 – 15 January, Mon – Fri; and 18 – 20 January, Mon – Wed) |
3. Except the Public Service Counter, other public services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries will be provided as usual:
Services | Available days and hours |
Online search | 24 hours/day |
E-filing* | 24 hours/day |
Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | 8 and 15 January (Fri) |
Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours (7 & 8 January, Thurs & Fri; 11 – 15 January, Mon – Fri; and 18 – 20 January, Mon – Wed) |
4. The Department encourages members of the public to access the services of the Registries through our E-filing System. Documents can also be sent to the Registries by post.
5. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Trade Marks, Patents and Designs, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 5 January 2021.
6. Parties to the proceedings before the Registrars are encouraged to resolve their disputes by alternative modes including disposal on paper or remote hearings. Our staff will contact the relevant parties to make appropriate arrangements.
Further update
7. The Department will keep the situation under close review and post any updated information on this website in due course.
5 January 2021
# Payment of fee bearing forms should only be made by cheque or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted.
^ (1) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building.
(2) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
To reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department has been implementing special work arrangements from 2 to 23 December (see our notices of 1 December and 12 December). These arrangements will be extended for implementation from 24 December 2020 to 6 January 2021 as follows–
Registries’ services
2. The Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House will be closed. Drop-box service will be available outside the Public Service Counter for the filing of physical documents as follows:
Services | Available days and hours |
Drop-box service #^ | 0900 – 1745 hours (24 December, Thurs; 28 – 31 December, Mon – Thurs; and 4 – 6 January, Mon – Wed) |
3. Except the Public Service Counter, other public services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries will be provided as usual:
Services | Available days and hours |
Online search | 24 hours/day |
E-filing* | 24 hours/day |
Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | 24 December (Thurs) 31 December (Thurs) |
Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours (24 December, Thurs; 28 – 31 December, Mon – Thurs; and 4 – 6 January, Mon – Wed) |
4. The Department encourages members of the public to access the services of the Registries through our E-filing System. Documents can also be sent to the Registries by post.
5. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Trade Marks, Patents and Designs, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 21 December 2020.
6. Parties to the proceedings before the Registrars are encouraged to resolve their disputes by alternative modes including disposal on paper or remote hearings. Our staff will contact the relevant parties to make appropriate arrangements.
Further update
7. The Department will keep the situation under close review and post any updated information on this website in due course.
21 December 2020
# Payment of fee bearing forms should only be made by cheque or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted.
^ (1) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building.
(2) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
To reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department has been implementing special work arrangements from 2 to 15 December (see our notice of 1 December). These arrangements will be extended for implementation from 16 to 23 December as follows–
Registries’ services
2. The Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House will be closed. Drop-box service will be available outside the Public Service Counter for the filing of physical documents as follows:
Services | Available days and hours |
Drop-box service #^ | 0900 – 1745 hours (16 – 18 December, Wed – Fri; 21 – 23 December, Mon – Wed) |
3. Except the Public Service Counter, other public services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries will be provided as usual:
Services | Available days and hours |
Online search | 24 hours/day |
E-filing* | 24 hours/day |
Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | 18 December (Fri) |
Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours (16 – 18 December, Wed – Fri; and 21 – 23 December, Mon – Wed) |
4. The Department encourages members of the public to access the services of the Registries through our E-filing System. Documents can also be sent to the Registries by post
5. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Trade Marks, Patents and Designs, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 12 December 2020.
6. Parties to the proceedings before the Registrars are encouraged to resolve their disputes by alternative modes including disposal on paper or remote hearings. Our staff will contact the relevant parties to make appropriate arrangements
Further update
7. The Department will keep the situation under close review and post any updated information on this website in due course.
12 December 2020
# Payment of fee bearing forms should only be made by cheque or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted.
^ (1) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building.
(2) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
To reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department will implement its special work arrangements from 2 to 15 December as follows–
Registries’ services
2. The Public Service Counter on 24/F Wu Chung House will be closed. Drop-box service will be available outside the Public Service Counter for the filing of physical documents as follows:
Services | Available days and hours |
Drop-box service #^ | 0900 – 1745 hours (2 – 4 December, Wed – Fri; 7 – 11 December, Mon – Fri; and 14 – 15 December, Mon – Tues) |
3. Except the Public Service Counter, other public services of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries will be provided as usual:
Services | Available days and hours |
Online search | 24 hours/day |
E-filing* | 24 hours/day |
Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | 4 and 11 December (Fri) |
Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours (2 – 4 December, Wed – Fri; 7 – 11 December, Mon – Fri; and 14 – 15 December, Mon – Tues) |
4. The Department encourages members of the public to access the services of the Registries through our E-filing System. Documents can also be sent to the Registries by post.
5. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Trade Marks, Patents and Designs, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 1 December 2020.
6. Parties to the proceedings before the Registrars are encouraged to resolve their disputes by alternative modes including disposal on paper or remote hearings. Our staff will contact the relevant parties to make appropriate arrangements.
Further update
7. The Department will keep the situation under close review and post any updated information on this website in due course.
1 December 2020
# Payment of fee bearing forms should only be made by cheque or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted.
^ (1) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building.
(2) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
With effect from 7 September, the Department will provide the following services as usual:
Services | Available days and hours |
Online search | 24 hours Mon – Sun |
E-filing* | 24 hours Mon – Sun |
Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | Fri every week |
Public Service Counter on 24/F, Wu Chung House^@ | 0900 – 1745 hours Mon – Fri |
Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours Mon – Fri |
For avoidance of doubt, documents can continue to be sent to the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
4 September 2020
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
^ (1) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building.
(2) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
@ (1) The Department will put in place special measures to facilitate members of the public in using our Public Service Counter in a safe and efficient manner.
(2) Members of the public requiring counter services are encouraged to do so during non-peak hours usually in the morning.
To reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department will extend its special work arrangements until 6 September, and will keep the situation under close review.
From 31 August to 6 September, the Department will maintain limited services as follows-
Services | Available days and hours |
Online search | 24 hours (31 August - 6 September) (Mon - Sun) |
E-filing* | 24 hours (31 August - 6 September) (Mon - Sun) |
Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | 4 September (Fri) |
Public Service Counter on 24/F, Wu Chung House^@ | 0900 – 1745 hours (31 August, 2 and 4 September) (Mon, Wed and Fri) |
Drop-box service outside the Public Service Counter ^# | 0900 – 1745 hours (1 and 3 September) (Tues and Thurs) |
Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours (31 August - 6 September) (Mon - Fri) |
For avoidance of doubt, documents can continue to be sent to the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
The Department has published Notices of Interruption in the Operations of the Patents Registry, Designs Registry and Trade Marks Registry in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 19, 24 and 30 July and 6, 13 and 21 August 2020. Such notices have the effect of deferring deadlines falling on any date from 20 July to 28 August 2020 for filling any document with the Registries to 31 August 2020(https://www.ipd.gov.hk/en/hk-ip-journal-notices/index.html). Please note that the above arrangement will not be further extended.
28 August 2020
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
^ (1) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building.
(2) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
@ (1) The Department will put in place special measures to facilitate members of the public in using our Public Service Counter in a safe and efficient manner.
(2) Members of the public requiring counter services may expect longer waiting time. They may consider using our e-filing service or using our Public Service Counter during non-peak hours usually in the morning.
# The Public Service Counter will be closed. An ad hoc drop-box will be available for the filing of documents. Payment of fee bearing forms should only be made by cheque or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted.
To reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department will extend its special work arrangements until 30 August, and will keep the situation under close review.
From 24 to 30 August, the Department will maintain limited services as follows-
Services | Available days and hours |
Online search | 24 hours (24 - 30 August) (Mon - Sun) |
E-filing* | 24 hours (24 - 30 August) (Mon - Sun) |
Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | 28 August (Fri) |
Public Service Counter on 24/F, Wu Chung House^@ | 0900 – 1745 hours (25 & 27 August) (Tues and Thurs) |
Drop-box service outside the Public Service Counter ^# | 0900 – 1745 hours (24, 26 & 28 August) (Mon, Wed and Fri) |
Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours (24 - 28 August) (Mon - Fri) |
For avoidance of doubt, documents can continue to be sent to the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
Other operations of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries will continue to be affected by the special work arrangement. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, please refer to NOTICES OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 21 August 2020.
The above notice together with similar ones published on 19, 24 and 30 July, and 6 and 13 August respectively have the effect of deferring deadlines falling on any date from 20 July to 28 August for filing any document with the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks to 31 August.
We are minded to lift the interruption of operations arrangements as soon as circumstances permit. 31 August is likely to be the date. We will keep the situation under close review and post updated information on this website.
21 August 2020
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
^ (1) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building.
(2) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead
@ (1) The Department will put in place special measures to facilitate members of the public in using our Public Service Counter in a safe and efficient manner.
(2) Members of the public requiring counter services may expect longer waiting time. They may consider using our e-filing service or using our Public Service Counter during non-peak hours usually in the morning.
# The Public Service Counter will be closed. An ad hoc drop-box will be available for the filing of documents. Payment of fee bearing forms should only be made by cheque or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted.
To reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department will extend its special work arrangements until 23 August, and will keep the situation under close review.
From 17 to 23 August, the Department will maintain limited services as follows-
Services | Available days and hours |
Online search | 24 hours (17 - 23 August) |
E-filing* | 24 hours (17 - 23 August) |
Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | 21 August |
Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours (17 - 21 August) |
Drop-box service outside the Public Service Counter # | 0900 – 1745 hours (17 - 21 August) |
The Public Service Counter will remain closed. For avoidance of doubt, documents can continue to be sent to the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
Other operations of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries will continue to be affected by the special work arrangement. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 13 August 2020.
We are minded to lift the interruption of operations arrangement as soon as circumstances permit. We will keep the situation under close review and post updated information on this website.
13 August 2020
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
# (1) An ad hoc drop-box will be available outside the Public Service Counter for the filing of documents. Payment of fee bearing forms should only be made by cheque or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted.
(2) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building.
(3) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
To reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department will extend its special work arrangements until 16 August, and will keep the situation under close review.
From 10 to 16 August, the Department will maintain limited services as follows-
Services | Available days and hours |
Online search | 24 hours (10 - 16 August) |
E-filing* | 24 hours (10 - 16 August) |
Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | 14 August |
Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours (10 - 14 August) |
Drop-box service outside the Public Service Counter # | 0900 – 1745 hours (10 - 14 August) |
The Public Service Counter will remain closed. For avoidance of doubt, documents can continue to be sent to the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
Other operations of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries will continue to be affected by the special work arrangement. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 6 August 2020.
We are minded to lift the interruption of operations arrangement as soon as circumstances permit. We will keep the situation under close review and post updated information on this website.
6 August 2020
(updated on 7 August 2020)
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
# (1) An ad hoc drop-box will be available outside the Public Service Counter for the filing of documents. Payment of fee bearing forms should only be made by cheque or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted.
(2) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building.
(3) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
To reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department will extend its special work arrangements until 9 August, and will keep the situation under close review.
From 3 to 9 August, the Department will maintain limited services as follows-
Services | Available days and hours |
Online search | 24 hours (3 - 9 August) |
E-filing* | 24 hours (3 - 9 August) |
Publication of patent, design and trade mark cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | 7 August |
Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours (3 - 7 August) |
Drop-box service outside the Public Service Counter # | 0900 – 1745 hours (3 - 7 August) |
The Public Service Counter will remain closed. For avoidance of doubt, documents can continue to be sent to the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
Other operations of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Registries will continue to be affected by the special work arrangement. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 30 July 2020.
30 July 2020
* Patent, design and trade mark applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
# (1) An ad hoc drop-box will be available outside the Public Service Counter for the filing of documents. Payment of fee bearing forms should only be made by cheque or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted.
(2) Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building.
(3) Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
To reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department will extend its special work arrangements until 2 August, and will keep the situation under close review.
From 27 July to 2 August, the Department will maintain limited services as follows-
Services | Available days and hours |
Online search | 24 hours (27 July - 2 August) |
E-filing* | 24 hours (27 July - 2 August) |
Publication of trade mark, design and patent cases in Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal | 31 July |
Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901 / 2961 6820 | 0900 – 1745 hours (27 - 31 July) |
Drop-box service outside the Public Service Counter # | 0900 – 1745 hours (27 - 31 July) |
The Public Service Counter will remain closed. For avoidance of doubt, documents can continue to be sent to the Trade Marks, Designs and Patents Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
Other operations of the Trade Marks, Designs and Patents Registries will continue to be affected by the special work arrangement. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Trade Marks, Patents and Designs, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 24 July 2020.
24 July 2020
* Trade marks, patents and designs applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
# An ad hoc drop-box will be available outside the Public Service Counter for the filing of documents. Payment of fee bearing forms should only be made by cheque or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted. Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building.
Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the building. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
To reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Government announced today (19 July) that special work arrangement will be implemented from 20 to 26 July.
Registries' Services
During the above period, the Department will maintain limited services as follows-
- Online search
- E-filing*
- Publication of the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal
- Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901/2961 6820
The public service counter will be closed, but documents can continue to be sent to the Trade Marks, Designs and Patents Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
Other operations of the Trade Marks, Designs and Patents Registries will be affected by the special work arrangement. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Trade Marks, Patents and Designs, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 19 July 2020.
For hearings scheduled to take place during the period from 20 to 24 July, our staff will contact the parties to the proceedings to make appropriate arrangements.
Solicitors' recruitment interviews
Interviews scheduled for the period from 20 to 24 July will be postponed. Our staff will contact the individual candidates for rescheduling the interviews.
The Department will keep the situation under close review and will update the public in due course.
19 July 2020
* Trade marks, patents and designs applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
To reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, the Department encourages members of the public to access the services of the Trade Marks, Patents and Designs Registries through our E-filing System.*
Documents could also be sent to the Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
The Public Service Counter on 24/F, Wu Chung House will continue to be open on Mon to Fri from 0900 to 1745 hours except non-business days.
The Department will continue to put in place special measures to facilitate members of the public in using our counter services in a safe and efficient manner, including:
- requiring members of the public to wear face masks;
- providing alcohol hand sanitizer;
- placing a sanitizing mat at the entrance;
- making arrangements to better manage and distance users of our services; and
- stepping up cleansing and disinfection of the counter area.+
If it is necessary to use our counter services, please consider doing so during non-peak hours in the morning.
In addition, to avoid the gathering of persons in confined areas such as the hearing rooms, parties to the proceedings are encouraged to file written submissions in lieu of hearing or proceed with the hearing via telephone conferencing or other electronic means. Our staff will contact the parties to agree on the most appropriate arrangements in each case.
13 July 2020
* To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
+ Anyone entering Wu Chung House is required to undergo body temperature check at the lobby of the building.
Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the Public Service Counter.
With effect from 27 April, the Department will provide the following services as usual:
- Online search
- E-filing*
- Publication of Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal
- Public Service Counter on 24/F, Wu Chung House (open on Mon to Fri from 0900 to 1745 hours except non-business days)#
- Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901/2961 6820
The Department has published Notices of Interruption in the Operations of the Patents Registry, Designs Registry and Trade Marks Registry in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 22 and 28 March and 4, 9 and 17 April 2020. Such notices have the effect of deferring deadlines falling on any date from 23 March to 24 April for filing any document with the Registries to 27 April 2020 (https://www.ipd.gov.hk/en/hk-ip-journal-notices/index.html). Please note that the above arrangement will not be further extended.
24 April 2020
* Trade mark, patent and design applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
# The Department will continue to put in place special measures to facilitate members of the public in using our Public Service Counter in a safe and efficient manner.
Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the Public Service Counter. They should access our services through our E-filing System instead. Documents can also be sent to the Trade Marks, Patents and Designs Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
To reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, the Department will extend its special work arrangements until 26 April. The Government will keep the situation under close review.
From 20 April to 26 April 2020, the Department will maintain limited services as follows-
- Online search
- E-filing*
- Publication of Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal
- Public Service Counter on 24/F, Wu Chung House (open on 20 April (Mon), 22 April (Wed) and 24 April (Fri) from 0900 to 1745 hours)*#
- Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901/2961 6820
For avoidance of doubt, documents can continue to be sent to the Trade Marks, Patents and Designs Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
Other operations of the Trade Marks, Patents and Designs Registries will continue to be affected by the special work arrangement. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Trade Marks, Patents and Designs, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 17 April 2020.
We are minded to lift the interruption of operations arrangement as soon as circumstances permit. 27 April 2020 may be a possible date. We will keep the situation under close review and post updated information on this website.
17 April 2020
* Trade mark, patent and design applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
# The Department will put in place special measures to facilitate members of the public in using our Public Service Counter in a safe and efficient manner. Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the Public Service Counter. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
Due to the limited services provided at the Public Service Counter, members of the public requiring counter services may expect longer waiting time. They may consider using our e-filing service or using our Public Service Counter during non-peak hours usually in the morning.
To reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, the Department will extend its special work arrangements until 19 April. The Government will keep the situation under close review.
From 13 April to 19 April 2020, the Department will maintain limited services as follows:
- Online search
- E-filing*
- Publication of Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal
- Public Service Counter on 24/F, Wu Chung House (open on 15 April (Wed) and 17 April (Fri) from 0900 to 1745 hours)#
- Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901/2961 6820
For avoidance of doubt, documents can continue to be sent to the Trade Marks, Patents and Designs Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
Other operations of the Trade Marks, Patents and Designs Registries will continue to be affected by the special work arrangement. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Trade Marks, Patents and Designs, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 9 April 2020.
9 April 2020
* Trade mark, patent and design applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
# The Department will put in place special measures to facilitate members of the public in using our Public Service Counter in a safe and efficient manner. Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the Public Service Counter. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
Due to the limited services provided at the Public Service Counter, members of the public requiring counter services may expect longer waiting time. They may consider using our e-filing service or using our Public Service Counter during non-peak hours usually in the morning.
To reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, the Department will extend its special work arrangements until 12 April. The Government will keep the situation under close review.
From 6 April to 12 April 2020, the Department will maintain limited services as follows:
- Online search
- E-filing*
- Publication of Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal
- Public Service Counter on 24/F, Wu Chung House (open on 7 April (Tue) and 9 April (Thu) from 0900 to 1745 hours)#
- Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901/2961 6820
For avoidance of doubt, documents can continue to be sent to the Trade Marks, Designs and Patents Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
Other operations of the Trade Marks, Designs and Patents Registries will continue to be affected by the special work arrangements. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 4 April 2020.
4 April 2020
* Trade marks, designs and patents applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
# The Department will put in place special measures to facilitate members of the public in using our Public Service Counter in a safe and efficient manner. Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the Public Service Counter. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
Due to the limited services provided at the Public Service Counter, members of the public requiring counter services may expect longer waiting time. They may consider using our e-filing service or using our Public Service Counter during non-peak hours usually in the morning.
To reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, the Department will extend its special work arrangements until 5 April. The Government will keep the situation under close review.
From 30 March to 5 April 2020, the Department will maintain limited services as follows:
- Online search
- E-filing*
- Publication of Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal
- Public Service Counter on 24/F, Wu Chung House (open on 30 Mar (Mon), 1 Apr (Wed) and 3 Apr (Fri) from 1300 to 1745 hours)#
- Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901/2961 6820
For avoidance of doubt, documents can continue to be sent to the Trade Marks, Designs and Patents Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
Other operations of the Trade Marks, Designs and Patents Registries will continue to be affected by the special work arrangement. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 28 March 2020.
28 March 2020
* Trade marks, patents and designs applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
# The Department will put in place special measures to facilitate members of the public in using our Public Service Counter in a safe and efficient manner. Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the Public Service Counter. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
To reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19 in the community and in view of the latest situation, the Government announced on 21 March that special work arrangements will be implemented from 23 March. The Government will keep the situation under close review.
From 23-29 March, the Department will maintain limited services as follows:
- Online search
- E-filing*
- Publication of Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal
- Public Service Counter on 24/F, Wu Chung House (open on 23 (Mon) to 27 (Fri) March from 1300 to 1745 hours)#
- Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901/2961 6820
For avoidance of doubt, documents can continue to be sent to the Trade Marks, Designs and Patents Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
For hearings arranged to take place during the period from 23 to 27 March, the Department will contact the parties to the proceedings to make appropriate arrangements.
Other operations of the Trade Marks, Designs and Patents Registries will be affected by the special work arrangements. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Trade Marks, Patents and Designs, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE TRADE MARKS REGISTRY, PATENTS REGISTRY AND DESIGNS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 22 March 2020.
22 March 2020
* Trade marks, patents and designs applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
# The Department will put in place special measures to facilitate members of the public in using our Public Service Counter in a safe and efficient manner. Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough should refrain from entering the Public Service Counter. They should access our services through our E-Filing System instead.
With effect from 2 March, the Department will implement targeted measures to reduce social contact and infection control measures and gradually resume more public services in an orderly manner.
The following services will be provided as usual:
- Online search
- E-filing*
- Publication of Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal
- Public Service Counter on 24/F, Wu Chung House (open on Mon to Fri from 0900 to 1745 hours)
- Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901/2961 6820
To reduce the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 in the community, the Department will put in place special measures to facilitate members of the public in using our Public Service Counter in a safe and efficient manner, including:
- checking the body temperature of persons entering the counter area;
- requiring them to wear face masks;
- rearranging the physical setting of the counter area to better manage and distance users of our services;
- providing alcohol hand sanitizer;
- placing a sanitizing mat at the entrance; and
- stepping up cleansing and disinfection of the counter area.
Members of the public with fever and/or symptoms such as malaise and cough will be advised to seek medical assistance and refrain from entering the Public Service Counter. They will also be advised to access our services through our E-Filing System.
In addition, to avoid the gathering of persons in confined areas such as hearing rooms, the Department will, as far as practicable, handle appropriate hearing cases by way of hearings on paper or oral hearings via telephone conferencing or other electronic means. Where an oral hearing is to be held at the premises of the Department, advance advice or directions on infection control measures will be given to the parties.
The Department will keep the situation under close review and post updated information on this website.
29 February 2020
* Trade marks, patents and designs applications can be filed electronically via our E-filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
To reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, the Department will extend its special work arrangements until 1 March. The Government will review the situation in due course.
From 24 February onwards, the Department will maintain limited services as follows:
- Online search
- E-filing*
- Publication of the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal
- Public Service Counter on 24/F, Wu Chung House (open on 24 (Mon) to 28 (Fri)February from 1300 to 1745 hours)
- Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901/2961 6820
For avoidance of doubt, documents can continue to be sent to the Trade Marks, Designs and Patents Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
Please note that the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 14 February 2020 will expire on 21 February 2020. Accordingly, any deadline falling on any date from 29 January to 21 February for filing any document with the Registrar of Patents/Designs/Trade Marks will be due on 24 February.
21 February 2020
* Trade marks, patents and designs applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
To reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, the Department will extend its special work arrangements until 23 February. The Government will review the situation in due course.
From 17 February onwards, the Department will maintain limited services as follows:
- Online search
- E-filing*
- Publication of the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal
- Public Service Counter on 24/F, Wu Chung House (open on 17 (Mon), 19 (Wed) and 21 (Fri) of February from 1300 to 1745 hours)
- Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901/2961 6820
For avoidance of doubt, documents can continue to be sent to the Trade Marks, Designs and Patents Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
Other operations of the Trade Marks, Designs and Patents Registries will continue to be affected by the special work arrangement. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 14 February 2020.
We are minded to lift the interruption of operations arrangement as soon as circumstances permit. We will keep the situation under close review and post updated information on this website.
14 February 2020
* Trade marks, patents and designs applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
To reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, the Department will extend its special work arrangements until 16 February. The Government will review the situation in due course.
From 10 February onwards, the Department will maintain limited services as follows:
- Online search
- E-filing*
- Publication of the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal
- Public Service Counter on 24/F, Wu Chung House (open on 10 (Mon), 12 (Wed) and 14 (Fri) of February from 1300 to 1745 hours)
- Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901/2961 6820
For avoidance of doubt, documents can continue to be sent to the Trade Marks, Designs and Patents Registries on 24/F Wu Chung House by post.
Other operations of the Trade Marks, Designs and Patents Registries will continue to be affected by the special work arrangement. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 8 February 2020.
8 February 2020
* Trade marks, patents and designs applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
Data currency of Trade Mark Search
The data currency of trade marks records in the Online Search System has resumed normal, which reflects the data as at 3 February 2020 or later.
In order to reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, the Government announced on 31 January that special work arrangements for government departments will be extended until 9 February. The Government will review the situation later.
From 3 February onwards, the Department will maintain limited services as follows:
- Online search#
- E-filing*
- Publication of the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal
- Public Service Counter on 24/F, Wu Chung House
- Enquiry Hotline at 2961 6901/2961 6820
Other registry operations will continue to be affected by the special work arrangement. For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 1 February 2020.
1 February 2020
# Data currency for trade marks as at 24 January 2020; data currency for patents and designs as at 31 January 2020. We will update the database of the online search as necessary and keep the public posted.
*Trade marks, patents and designs applications can be filed electronically via our E-Filing System. To use our e-filing service, please visit https://efiling.ipd.gov.hk.
In order to reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, the Government announced today (28 January) that special work arrangement will be implemented after the Lunar New Year holidays (starting from 29 January). The measure will be implemented tentatively until 2 February. The Government will review the situation before then.
During the aforesaid period, the Public Service Counter of the Intellectual Property Department on 24/F, Wu Chung House will be closed and publication under the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal will also be suspended. The Department will maintain limited services as follows:
- Online Search (data currency for trade marks as at 24 January 2020; data currency for patents and designs as at 31 January 2020)*
- E-Filing
- Enquiry Hotline services at 2961 6901/2961 6820
For the deadlines for filing any document with the Registrars of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, please refer to the NOTICE OF INTERRUPTION IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE PATENTS REGISTRY, DESIGNS REGISTRY AND TRADE MARKS REGISTRY published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal on 28 January 2020.
For hearings arranged to take place during the period, we will contact the parties to the proceedings to make alternative arrangements. Thank you for your attention.
Intellectual Property Department
28 January 2020
*(updated on 31 January 2020)